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Things People With Scoliosis Are Tired Of Hearing

This post comes directly from a number of people who are effected by scoliosis and what they're sick of hearing. I asked in two different scoliosis groups, with 100's of people effected by it; 'What are you tired do of hearing as a person affected by scoliosis?' and here is what they said:


1) After surgery - "But you're all better now, right?" This is particularly infuriating because people usually say it after I've explained that I had half my spine fused! So no, I'm not 'all better' I still (and always will) have scoliosis! - Harriet (IInstagram: h_mackinney)

2) "You can't even see your curve." - It's very obvious to me, even my family don't understand, they just say to 'stop complaining, we all have back pain' even though they don't have scoliosis. (Instagram elle_brown_x)

3) "Oh yeah, I understand that, I get back pain too!" / "Why are you making a big deal over it?"

4) "My back hurts too sometimes, sit up straight then it'd be fine!" (Instagram: missmystic1864)

5) Before surgery my GP always said 'Go to physio and your scoliosis will correct itself!' and after my surgery 'Has your pain fully gone? You can walk now (17 weeks post op) so you can do anything!' (Instagram: scoliosis_notbroken)

6) "You complain too much about your back, just get on with it. It can't be that bad." (Instagram: abiburnett)

7) "When I explain about my scoliosis and say that I should be taller, people don't seem to initially understand and make a joke about it - saying things about height and weight. E.g. 'Id be the right weight if I was taller.' (Facebook - Mark)

8) "You surely can't be in pain anymore now you've had surgery." (Instagram: c.eryschambers)

9) "People always ask me when I was going to get better or assume that having surgery was a quick, easy fix and afterwards I'd be able to do anything." (Anon)

10) "You don't look like you have a curved spine or hunchback" (Instagram: yxseminx)

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