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World Suicide Prevention

Today is world suicide prevention day. I understand to that suicide is a hard topic to discuss, close to home for some and something that can be heartbreaking.

Stats in America ALONE show that 30,000 people commit suicide a year - an average of 82 people everyday. An average of one person in the US commits suicide every 16 minutes. Over 50% of these suicides are with a firearm. Suicide is also the third leading cause of death in America for young people aged 15-24.

Another shocking statistic on suicide - 1 in 65,000 children ages 10 to 14 commit suicide each year.

I'm going to briefly talk about living with a chronic illness and suicide, apparently 1 in 10 people who have a chronic illness commit suicide, and at least one person who's chronically ill or suffering from a terminal illness take there life everyday. Reasons why? Most are sick of being sick, spending countless days in hospital, travelling for hospital appointments, not being able to do things someone your age does is tough on the mind.

Other reasons people attempt suicide? There could be hundreds. Everybody has something they've been through or are going through. Abuse, mental illnesses, relationships or it could be something that changed their life drastically.

Suicide isn't something that would stop straight away, people aren't going to suddenly stop feeling suicidal. But there's got to be something done to prevent it, the figures show it's a growing problem.

If you know someone who's suicidal be there for them, be a friend, a shoulder to cry on. Be there for the good and the bad moments, make them feel less alone. The image attached contains a list of numbers available for you to call if you ever experience suicidal thoughts - or maybe if you're showing concern for someone close to you.

On a final note, myself and Charlotte will be there for anyone who'd ever need someone to talk too. You're not alone <3

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